Publicaties 2017

  • Berger FA, Saâïd S, van Gelder T, Stricker BH, Becker ML, van den Bemt PM. Media attention regarding sudden cardiac death associated with domperidone use does not affect in hospital ECG recording. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2017 Nov;26(11):1418-1424.
  • Heemskerk CP, Woldman E, Pereboom M, van der Hoeven RTM, Mantel-Teeuwisse AK, van Gemeren CW, Becker ML. Ciprofloxacin does not prolong the QTc interval: clinical study in ICU patients and review of the literature. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2017. 20:360 – 364.
  • Baypinar F, Kingma HJ, van der Hoeven RTM, Becker ML. Physicians’ Compliance with a Clinical Decision Support System Alerting during the Prescribing Process. J Med Syst. 2017 Jun;41(6):96.
  • Giezen TJ. Global policies on pharmacy-mediated substitution of biosimilars: a summary. GaBi Journal. 2017;6(4)
  • Kurki P, van Aerts L, Wolff-Holz E, Giezen T, Skibeli V, Weise M. Interchangeability of Biosimilars: A European Perspective. 2017 Apr;31(2):83-91.
  • Lilih S, Pereboom M, van der Hoeven RTM, Mantel-Teeuwisse AK, Becker ML. Improving the effectiveness of drug safety alerts to increase adherence to the guideline for gastrointestinal prophylaxis. Int J Med Inform. 2017 Jan;97:139-144.
  • Pereboom M, Becker ML, Verweij SL, van der Hoeven RTM, Mulder IJ. Correspondentie: Zero-residual syringe als verpakkingsmateriaal voor bevacizumab als intravitreale injectie – Reactie. Nederlands Platform voor Farmaceutisch Onderzoek. 2017;1:c1603.